Accelerator R&D
Accelerator Research Experiment at SINBAD
Accelerator R&D
The ARES Linac is dedicated to accelerator R&D DESY internally, but also available for external users. Its advantages are easy accessibility, flexibility in beam parameters and excellent beam control and diagnostics.
Beam diagnostic tests
- 4D and 5D beam tomography developments.
- Novel stripe detectors development for low-charge applications.
- High resolution screens and optics development.
- High precision beam position monitors.
- Nano-wirescanners and beam loss monitor tests.
- Non-invasive beam diagnostics with dielectric structures.
Hardware tests and prototyping for the big DESY user machines
- Injection kickers for PETRA IV
- Movable magnetic bunch compressor
- 3D printed vacuum chambers
- RF waveguide windows test stand
- High stability infrastructures (precision water cooling and RF stations)
- High resolution cathode charge maps
Beam Controls
- Master oscillator developments and fs synchronization
- Machine learning towards autonomous accelerators
- Neural nets for emittance data analysis
- fs bunches and their diagnostics with the PolariX TDS